AT&T Pay Phone
(307) Wyoming Directory
This section contains pay phone numbers from Wyoming that I have acquired myself, and some that people have sent to me.
Area Codes
Wyoming uses only the 307 area code.Alta
- 307-353-9916…Grand Targhee……………..Ski Hill Rd…inside Rendezvous Lodge
- 307-353-9915…Grand Targhee……………..Ski Hill Rd…inside Rendezvous Lodge
- 307-353-9982…Grand Targhee……………..Ski Hill Rd…inside Rendezvous Lodge
- 307-789-6954…Bear River Rest Area……….I-80 mp 6…
- 307-789-6934…Hornets Nest/Sinclair………7 State Hwy 89 N…
- 307-789-9442..Pilot Travel Center………..289 Bear River Dr
- 307-789-9695..Pilot Travel Center………..289 Bear River Dr
- 307-789-9403..Pilot Travel Center………..289 Bear River Dr
- 307-789-9087..Pilot Travel Center………..289 Bear River Dr
Ft Bridger
- 307-782-7193…Phillips 66/gas/groceries…..IH 80 Bus. Loop…
- 307-782-9804…Wagon Wheel Motel/Cafe……..37031 IH 80 Bus. Loop…
- 307-436-9920…Eastgate Service Station……393 E Birch…
- 307-734-9211..Albertson’s……………….105 Buffalo Way…
- 307-734-9256…Broadway Photo Center………130 W Broadway…
- 307-733-8932…The Bunnery……………….130 N Cache Dr…
- 307-739-9314…Coldwater Creek……………10 E Broadway…
- 307-734-9207…Jackson Mercantile…………80 E Broadway…
- 307-733-9978…Light Reflections Gallery…..35 E Deloney Ave…
- 307-733-8993…Phillips 66/Flat Creek Mart…1935 N Cache Dr…
- 307-733-8916…Teton Steak House………….40 W Pearl Ave…
- 307-734-9257…Sand’s Wild Water River Trips 110 W Broadway…
- 307-739-9967…Stampede Trading Co………..28 E Broadway…
- 307-739-9968…Stampede Trading Co………..28 E Broadway…
- 307-733-9890…Westside Store & Deli………4015 W Lake Creek Dr…
- 307-739-9935…Westside Store & Deli………4015 W Lake Creek Dr…
- 307-742-9810..Cenex…………………….101 Hunt Rd
- 307-745-9724…Summit Rest Stop…………..I-80 Exit 323
- 307-786-9934…Lyman KOA…………………1531 State Highway 413…
- 307-786-9962..Lyman Rest Area……………I-80 mp 41
- 307-787-6162…Maverik Country Store………214 S Main St…
- 307-733-8934…Grand Teton National Park…..Jenny Lake Lodge Dining Room
- 307-733-8935…Grand Teton National Park…..Jenny Lake Lodge Dining Room
- 307-733-8997…Grand Teton National Park…..Jenny Lake Store…
- 307-733-9939…Grand Teton National Park…..Jenny Lake Store…
- 307-733-8920…Grand Teton National Park…..Moose Visitor Center…
- 307-733-9922…Grand Teton National Park…..Moose Visitor Center…
- 307-543-9953…Grand Teton National Park…..Colter Bay Visitor Center…
- 307-543-9901…Grand Teton National Park…..Colter Bay Visitor Center…
- 307-543-9981…Grand Teton National Park…..Grand Teton General Store…
- 307-543-9985…Grand Teton National Park…..Grand Teton General Store…
- 307-543-9952…Grand Teton National Park…..Grand Teton General Store…
- 307-543-9162…Grand Teton National Park…..Signal Mtn Convenience Store…
- 307-543-9164…Grand Teton National Park…..Signal Mtn Lodge
- 307-877-9917…Opal Town Hall…………….135 Chrisman St…
- 307-328-9967…Phillips 66……………….16th St & Spruce…
- 307-324-9208..Shell…………………….1400 Higley Blvd
Rock Springs
- 307-362-0600..Bitter Creek Rest Area……..I-80 Eastbound, mp 144
- 307-382-9852..Bitter Creek Rest Area……..I-80 Eastbound, mp 144
- 307-362-0638..Bitter Creek Rest Area……..I-80 Westbound, mp 143
- 307-382-9854..Bitter Creek Rest Area……..I-80 Westbound, mp 143
- 307-324-9887…Fort Steele Historic Site…..I-80 exit 228
- 307-786-9936..Bon Rico………………….Hwy 414…
Yellowstone National Park
- 307-242-9970…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Conoco…
- 307-242-9855…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Hamilton Stores…
- 307-242-9856…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Hamilton Stores…
- 307-242-9857…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Hamilton Stores…
- 307-242-9817…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Visitor Center…
- 307-242-9029..Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Visitor Center…
- 307-242-9941…Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Visitor Center…
- 307-242-9030..Yellowstone National Park…..Canyon Village Visitor Center…
- 307-242-9008..Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-242-9938…Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-242-9009..Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-242-9963…Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-242-9010..Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-242-9964…Yellowstone National Park…..Lake Lodge
- 307-344-9969…Yellowstone National Park…..Madison Junction Campground…
- 307-344-9913…Yellowstone National Park…..Madison Junction Campground…
- 307-344-9979…Yellowstone National Park…..Madison Junction Restroom
- 307-344-9962…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs of Aspen, 1st floor
- 307-344-9906…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Conoco…
- 307-344-9908…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs General Store…
- 307-344-9982…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs General Store…
- 307-344-9028..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs General Store…
- 307-344-9975…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel…
- 307-344-9026..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel…
- 307-344-9027..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel…
- 307-344-9907…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Ice Building…
- 307-344-9016..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Ice Building…
- 307-344-9019..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Ice Building…
- 307-344-9017..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs Ice Building…
- 307-344-9961…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs, Terrace Grill…
- 307-344-9029..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs, Terrace Grill…
- 307-344-9030..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs, Terrace Grill…
- 307-344-9031..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Hot Springs, Terrace Grill…
- 307-344-9900…Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Terrace…
- 307-344-9036..Yellowstone National Park…..Mammoth Terrace…
- 307-344-9927…Yellowstone National Park…..roadside phone between Norris and Madison
- 307-344-9993…Yellowstone National Park…..Norris Geyser Basin
- 307-545-9949…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Conoco…
- 307-545-9944…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful General Store
- 307-545-9023..Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful General Store
- 307-545-9994…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful General Store
- 307-545-9024..Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful General Store
- 307-545-9960…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful General Store
- 307-545-9913…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Ranger Station…
- 307-545-9941…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Snowlodge
- 307-545-9939…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Snowlodge
- 307-545-9962…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9029..Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9036..Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9948…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9032..Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9966…Yellowstone National Park…..Old Faithful Visitor Center
- 307-545-9028..Yellowstone National Park…..across from Old Faithful visitor center
- 307-545-9035..Yellowstone National Park…..across from Old Faithful visitor center
- 307-242-9023..Yellowstone National Park…..West Thumb Geyser Basin…
- 307-242-9830…Yellowstone National Park…..West Thumb Geyser Basin…